Yelliah Pandipati
Birthday: November 25, 2000
Gender: Male
Country: India
Yelliah is one of the many orphans that are living in the slums of Hyderabad, South India. Pastors John Moses and John Babu of Bethany Children's Home, a partner of Touch the World, are committed to taking care of these underprivileged children. They are feeding these children three times a day and teaching them God’s Word as well as seeing that they are educated and have a place to sleep. Most of these children are from a Hindu background.
Yelliah is 9 years old. He is in class four and his favorite subject is Science. Yelliah favorite Bible story is the story of Creation. Your support will help Yelliah to have food, clothing, education, and discipleship in Jesus Christ.
For only $25 per month you will feed, clothe, and take care of the basic needs of this child.
“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit the orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27
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